Rabu, 30 November 2016

How to Eat Healthy to Lose Weight - Kom

How to Eat Healthy to Lose Weight - Kom
When we're trying to lose weight or improve our health, implementing a healthy eating lifestyle can be the change that we need to be able to see the results. Initially it may seem like an uphill struggle, but quickly we will feel comfortable. Here's how to eat healthy to lose weight: Morning HariMulai day with a fresh drink: When we drink water, we start a healthy eating plan with healthy green juice or warm water with lemon juice before starting breakfast. If we've hydratious with water, lemon works to balance the pH of our body and helps nourish pencernaan.Ganti refined carbohydrates: No benefit of a pastry or bagel in the morning. If we like to start the day with carbs, make sure to keep food choices remain complex (such as wheat grain or sweet potato) and full of fiber. In this way we support digestion and energy levels kita.Sore HariMinum green tea: Too much coffee can make us feel anxious and unfocused, so we switch coffee with a cup of green tea is rich in antioxidants. Green tea contains high catechins, which can aid heart activity and increase the production of enzymes detoksifikasi.Kurangi Condiments: Ketchup, mayonnaise, gravy any seasonings that make us comfortable with what we eat. Keep it out of the way of healthy eating to lose weight. Focus on the natural flavor of spices or citrus to add a little flavor and the benefits of our food. If necessary add a little flavor 'creamy' on a sandwich or salad, add avocado to omega-3 fatty acids and serat.Malam HariMemilah desserts: We do not need to say goodbye to the sweet dessert time we spend on food. Just need to keep our dessert is a dessert that is natural rather than full of sugar and chemicals. Choose snacks such as fruit pieces or 'dark chocolate' to remain on track tepat.Siapkan water at the bedside: Hydration is the key to any healthy lifestyle, and sipping water throughout the night will keep us energized and clearheaded in the morning. One way to ensure the next day into a good day is a night's sleep and drinking enough water.

manfaat green coffee

Senin, 07 November 2016

Small Plates eat to Lose Weight? - Kom

Small Plates eat to Lose Weight? - Kom
Eat fewer and smaller waistline are two good friends. That assumption many people over the years. What do science?
The theory says that eating less can memerkecil size midsection, believe that the habit of eating less, your body will adjust to reject portions overeat, you will be more easily satisfied and not hungry in between main meals. Thus, weight loss and abdomen and waist participate shrink.
One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, obese patients were able to reduce by 27 percent the size of their stomach in four weeks by eating 600 calories per day, or about half the minimum number of daily calories recommended for women.
However, shrink and your stomach becomes full faster, it does not mean you become more hungry during the day, said James J. Lee, M.D., doctor gastroenterologist at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, California.
James said the chemicals that control appetite, including leptin and ghrelin, will go up when you apply a strict calorie diet.
That is, you will feel more hungry despite the smaller size of the stomach. The hunger will be more powerful if you keep eating less than required tubuuh, so you will not hold it and eventually overeat.
Only five to 10 percent of individuals who diet in this way can maintain its weight decrease for a long time, said Lee again.
Research published in the journal Gastroenterology said that abdominal obesity and obese people, just the same. "" The size of the stomach is not the most important thing in the management of weight regulation, ' "said Lee.
Rather than fight your anatomy, it is better to focus on a set of daily consumption that two hunger hormone above do not craze. Eat stout fiber and protein can increase satiety hormone peptide.
Fiber and protein makes you full faster and kenyangnya last longer, so you avoid cravings and eating sugary foods that could harm diet program.
Eat more frequent small meals and sleep at least seven hours each night will help control hunger hormone and keep you from eating too much, said Lee again.

diet smart detox

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

Daun Pepaya, Sumber Serat Pangan


Daun Pepaya, Sumber Serat Pangan

Daun pepaya, meskipun rasa-rasanya pahit, bisa dioleh jadi masakan yang enak. Cukup banyak kandungan gizi yang berguna untuk kesehatan dalam daun berwarna hijau itu. Dibanding dengan daging buahnya, kandungan vitamin A serta C daun pepaya tambah lebih tinggi. Komponen lain yang menonjol pada daun pepaya ini yaitu serat pangan. Di bawah ini sebagian faedah serat daun pepaya : 1. Mengkonsumsi serat pangan yang tinggi (terlebih dari daun pepaya) bakal merubah mikroflora usus sedemikian rupa, hingga tak membuahkan senyawa karsinogenik penyebabnya kanker. 2. Serat pangan bisa menurunkan kandungan Cholesterol serta tingkatkan ekskresi asam empedu dalam tinja. Hal itu bakal menurunkan ketersediaan lemak serta Cholesterol, hingga bisa menghindar aterosklersosis serta penyakit jantung. 3. Serat pangan bisa menghindar sembelit. Didalam saluran cerna, serat dapat menyerap air dalam jumlah cukup besar, hingga massa tinja jadi lunak serta desakan dalam usus besar menyusut. 4. Serat pangan dalam daun pepaya begitu baik untuk mendukung program diet. diet dengan makanan tinggi serat bakal begitu menolong program penurunan berat tubuh. Serat pangan memiliki kekuatan menyerap air yang cukup tinggi hingga dapt mengingat beberapa zat gizi yang teleh disederhanakan oleh enzim pencernaan. Beberapa zat gizi yang larut serta terikat pada serat, setelah itu bakal di keluarkan lewat tinja. Kondisi itu dapat kurangi ketersediaan beberapa zat gizi untuk badan, hingga bisa menurunkan berat tubuh serta menghindar obesitas. 5. Serat pangan dapat menyerap air serta mengikat glukosa, hingga kurangi ketersediaan glukosa. diet cukup serat juga mengakibatkan terjadinya kompleks karbohidrat serta serat, hingga daya cerna karbohidrat menyusut. Kondisi itu dapat meredam kenaikan glukosa darah serta membuatnya tetaplah termonitor.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Berat Tubuh Telah Ideal, Namun Pipi Jadi Tembem


Berat Tubuh Telah Ideal, Namun Pipi Jadi Tembem


Jakarta, Saya alami kenaikan berat tubuh sejumlah 4 kg. Hingga, pipi saya jadi membesar. Yang menginginkan saya tanyakan : 2. Bagaimana caranya mengilangkan lemak di pipi, lantaran saya terasa tak yakin diri? 3. Berapakah lama saat yang dibutukan untuk menghilangkannya? 4. Apakah bila berat tubuh saya alami penurunan, pipi saya automatis bakal kembali awal mulanya? Untuk sekarang ini berat tubuh saya 47. Lala (Wanita lajang, 14 th.) fawniaXXXX@yaoo. comTinggi tubuh 163 cm, berat tubuh 53 kgJawabanHi Lala, Penimbunan lemak itu aspek genetik ya tak dapat kita jauhi. Dari segi nutrisi, langkah menyingkirkan lemak dibagian yang susah untuk di-olahragakan yaitu dengan menurunkan lemak keseluruhan pada badan. Tetapi kelihatannya hal semacam ini menurut saya tak perlu lantaran : - Anda masih tetap dalam saat perkembangan, diet (terlebih diet ketat tanpa ada terang maksud medisnya) memiliki resiko kesehatan periode panjang seperti anemia serta osteoporosis dan masalah fertilitas. - Berat tubuh anda toh telah ideal- Anda masihlah bakal tumbuh tinggi lagiPesan moral saya : - Be grateful and be happy dengan kondisi kita, be comfortable with yourself- Konsentrasi ke beberapa hal baik yang berlangsung/anda mempunyai seperti keluarga, persahabatan, kesehatan dll- Bentuk fisik badan serta angka timbangan yaitu hal subyektif (setiap orang tidak sama pojok pandang) hingga tak dapat jadikan sebagai patokan kebahagiaan- Janganlah merujuk/memperbandingkan dengan jenis di TV/majalah. Beberapa besar photo yang tampak telah diedit, di-photoshop supaya tampak lebih cantik, lebih mulus, langsing, tinggi dll- Bila ada orang yang berupaya mencemooh fisik orang lain, cuekin atau bila mengganggu sekali dapat di tanya balik : 'and is this a masalah for you? ' (tujuannya, bukanlah masalah loe gitu loch, kepo sangat sich!) OK? Be happy, be you! Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Pakar Gizi) dari University of Sydney. Dengan ketertarikan spesial pada program diet untuk oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Follow twitter @Leona_victoria. (hrn/vta)